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Vampire 600 V1: No more progress on the boards ?
Posted on Thursday, June 21 2012 @ 15:51:31 CEST by majsta

Anonymous writes "

Hi I was wondering if you were still progressing on the board ? Maybe this could be turned into a full fleged Amiga if the rest of the chipset can be built into the FPGA or a different FPGA as well ?

Majsta: Thank you for the interest in this project. Testings stopped because I destroyed every single A600 board I had and destroy all of the Cyclone II FPGA devices. Those days I m working on logic analyzer capable of solving 5V inputs because there is no way I can repair those A600 boards without that. Board and everything was destroyed because of Analog and Digital GND problems and after some testings I m building new PCB version 1.2 who will remove those problems. It could be possible to have everything attached to accelerator board so board can act like standalone Amiga or Accelerator board for real Amiga but it could take time. First of all I need to connect to some people to accomplish this, but my idea was to have piece of hardware capable of emulating various cores and when time comes maybe platform could emulate even Natami or some other core. Situation for now is that Accelerator works stable at 7.09Mhz and that is important. After that it is only software thing to increase frequency as you like. When this piece of hardware become "open&source" I believe that smarter people than me will create faster cores at higher frequency's. After two years of testing here is the picture of working Accelerator board. Either way I received some money from donations and with those money I ll order new PCB and few Cyclone FPGA's for testings. Without those donations I wouldn't be able to continue so again THANK YOU ALL FOR UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING THIS PROJECT.

Hi Again,

I wrote the last question about progress, thank you very much for your quick answer, I am not used to people actually answering my dumb questions so fast and with many details.

If you have time could explain to me the problem of Digital Ground and Analog Ground, I am not aware of any difference in grounds but maybe I missed something.

I am interesting in helping but I do not have any Amiga hardware yet.

Majsta: I ll provide anyone information's who are interested in this and similar projects but please register and use forum for this purpose because it is hard to talk this way. AGND is used for analog devices like voltage converters or something like that, DGND is used by digital devices like FPGA's, processors, voltage level translators or something like that. Basic procedure is to separate those GND's and use them on different layers connecting them at just one point or to create them on different parts of the board. If you work on this way components VCC's and GND's should know where to go to complete cycle. If you don't solve this properly there could be lot of bad influence on digital signals who can become distorted and unusable.


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