Vampire 600 V1: Restarting Amiga 600 with FPGA
Posted on Tuesday, November 13 2012 @ 15:03:49 CET by majsta
Few days ago something came up to my mind regarding all parts of this project. Why they don't work ? So I started little investigation using SignalTapII from Altera Quartus software to trap all of initial signals once Amiga motherboard is powered up. For this purpose I used some Trigger Conditions for RESET and some other signals. Main reason for doing this that we must consider that Amiga already started all of hers subsystems and in that situation FPGA can't take over the bus. So initial reset need to be done so FPGA can trap those initial signals and according to them take over the bus in specific period of time. Conclusion for this part is that FPGA first need to restart Amiga system and then start bus arbitration and then activate TG68 core. On the video below you can see another prove of this concept. Amiga 600 motherboard is restarted using Vampire 600 accelerator and simple VHDL code.