Vampire 600 V1: How to slow down your Amiga :)
Posted on Wednesday, January 09 2013 @ 14:31:09 CET by majsta
After so much work I just know that one day i will succeed. Today is that day. MC68K from Amiga motherboard is definitely disabled and replaced with FPGA version and as you can see on the video and pictures attached complete system is much slower on basic 7.09MHz frequency than original MC68K. But most important thing here is what is gonna happen when I increase speed of FPGA core. For example, basic Amiga 600 with MC68K reports 0.55Mips and 528 Dhrystones and Amiga 600 with Vampire600 FPGA Accelerator reports 0.25Mips and 243 Dhrystones. Now, when you look at the things, after all this years of promising we finally have exit from basic Amiga hardware to another platform, to FPGA, modern environment and from now on we can go anywhere and attach anything to it. In the same time we will preserve Amiga concept and make it available to further generations. My mission continues and there is nothing from now on that can stop me.