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Vampire 600 V1 - OS: Terms of service
Posted on Wednesday, September 04 2013 @ 06:41:49 CEST by majsta

Q: Should I consider this product as finished?
A: No, complete idea is about statement that product will be never finished and it will be constantly updated with better cores.

Q: Is the product completely tested?
A: No, it is impossible to test accelerator in all situations on various boards and programs, games, but every single board sent to end users is completely tested on my Amiga 600. Best situation is to have Amiga 600 motherboard with Gayle version 02.

Q: How about compatibility?
A: System is compatible as it can be and compatibility depends from TG68 core who has some bugs inside and since I don't have permission to modify TG68 itself we are at compatibility level like all devices using this core.

Q: Can I use WHDLoad?
A: Yes but system is now too fast for running some games and you need to find way to start them using commands like NoAutoVec, NoCache and such. I don't intend to give any kind of support for starting games and various programs since I m not author of WHDLoad. You have plenty information's in WHDLoad documentation.

Q: What additional hardware or software do I need to use accelerator?
A: Accelerator itself is "plug and play" and don't require any additional software or hardware.

Q: How do I upgrade my core.
A: I suggest everyone to buy cheap USB blaster cable and install free Quartus II Web Edition Software on your PC so we can upload new core in seconds in case something goes wrong. Remember accelerator maybe doesn't work on your system and you need specific core to upload.

Q: Any guarantee?
A: You will receive technical support and I will find the time to help you to get everything working. Don't worry I don't plan to leave Amiga scene soon :) If you are not satisfied with something there is always possibility for money refund so everyone happy :)

Q: Where should I seek for technical support ?
A: On this site we have forum and section for technical support.

I received my boards but...

Q: I didn't get it some fancy box!
A: You don't use a box for acceleration, and creating such boxes are not possible in my country and could increase price of final product significantly. Manufacturers wanted from me to order special tools for cutting cardboard valued 500Euro's because their tools can't produce boxes in required dimensions.

Q: I didn't get any instructions how to attach Vampire accelerator to my motherboard.
A: It is so simple, one minute job, and if you need manual for that please consider leaving Amiga scene :)

Final words...

If you are not prepared to learn and to understand this piece of hardware then this is not for you. Complete concept is about open sourcing complete project and future development from all of us. If you consider yourself to be just an user without much knowledge and patience then please consider buying some commercial products developed for Amiga. Buying USB blaster programmer and installing Quartus II Web Edition on your PC is something we need to find and debug potential problem on your system. It is easy task and often takes few minutes and in the same time you will learn a lot about core itself.

Related Links
· More about Amiga FPGA accelerator
· News by majsta

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