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Vampire 600 V1 - OS: Core upload
Posted on Wednesday, September 25 2013 @ 09:06:32 CEST by majsta

Core version Core base Emulated CPU Operational frequency Cache Mips Dhrystones Chip Speed vs A600 Disk speed in BYTES/SEC Autoconfig Mem Memory space Total FastRam PCMCIA friendly
Vampire 600_v1.0 TG68.C MC68020 100MHz 2Way 6.25 5997 2.63 1,077,304 64MB $40000000 - $43FFFFFF 64MB Yes
Vampire 600_v0.2 TG68.C MC68000 87.5MHz No 2.66 2554 1.83 896,727 21MB $C00000 - $CFFFFF, $200000 - $5FFFFF,$40000000 - $40FFFFFF 21MB Yes
Vampire 600_v0.1 TG68.C MC68000 87.5MHz No 2.75 2640 1.86 908,120 5MB $C00000 - $CFFFFF, $200000 - $5FFFFF 5MB Yes

How to upload

Hardware needed:
Windows based computer
Amiga 600
Vampire 600 FPGA accelerator
USB blaster

Software needed:
Quartus II Web Edition Software - Altera
Vampire 600 core

1. Please make shore that your Amiga 600 is turned off.

2. Connect USB blaster cable to JTAG header found on Vampire 600 accelerator, connect another end of programmer to USB port on your PC. Now you can power on your Amiga. This procedure is needed because we want to avoid any damage to our hardware from electrostatic discharge(ESD). Accelerator have specially designed levels of protection but it won't hurt us to be little more careful.

3. Download and unzip appropriate core from table above on your PC and Start Quartus II Web Edition Software, select Tools and then Programmer. In new window click Auto Detect option like shown on picture below. This procedure is needed to see that FPGA is properly detected and after that we select detected FPGA and click Delete.

4. Now when we have properly detected and removed FPGA we can load our core into programmer by clicking Add File. Search for place where you unzipped downloaded core and select appropriate file with *.jic extension and click open.

5. In this stage we need to remove previous core by selecting Erase and clicking Start. At this point it is completely normal that your Amiga system freeze.

6. Now it's time to upload core. Uncheck Erase option and check Program/Configure option and click Start.

7. Restart your Amiga.

Media : Vampire600_v0.1.zip Vampire600_v1.0.zip Vampire600_v0.2.zip

Related Links
· More about Amiga FPGA accelerator
· News by majsta

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