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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 1200 V2
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tree-T.gif JTAG
tree-T.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 600 V2
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tree-L2.gif Peripherals
tree-T.gif PLCC-68 socket
tree-T.gif JTAG
tree-T.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 500 V2
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tree-L2.gif Peripherals
bar.gif DIL-64 socket
bar.gif IDE
bar.gif Ethernet
bar.gif JTAG
bar.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 600 V1
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tree-T.gif Schematics
tree-T.gif Core
tree-L.gif Soldering
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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 500 V1
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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Amiga FPGA Accelerator
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favoritos.gif Amiga Tutorials
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som_themes.gif Amiga Testings
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nuke.gif Downloads
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About me: Contact info
About me

Igor Majstorovic
Alekse Santica 32c
78000 Banjaluka
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +38765657598

E-mail: imajstorovic at yahoo.com

Posted by majsta on Sunday, October 16 2022 @ 14:36:37 CEST (3004 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Score: 0)

About me: Tnx to wife.device
About me

Posted by majsta on Monday, February 15 2021 @ 23:27:05 CET (993 reads)
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About me: Another hack attack on the page
About me

Few days ago I received one interesting mail with screenshot showing that someone entered into administration services of this site using my personal password. My response was that I will not change the password and I said to that person to have fun. Today this site was offline. If you was visiting and your antivirus reported that there is a virus somewhere on this site that was just a detection of an changed title of this site to something like "You are hacked by bla, bla, bla" something. Ok let's play now, password will stay the same for you, I didn't fix any bugs inside the code, but I did something smarter. Let's see you now :)

Posted by majsta on Wednesday, December 03 2014 @ 11:52:10 CET (2516 reads)
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About me: For those who hacked the site
About me

I m sorry to say this to you but I think that there is nothing special about the fact that you hacked 10 years old PHPnuke site no one uses anymore. I will not waste my time to track you or to fix bugs inside sites code simply because you should know that those days everyone backups their databases. How much time you need to do this again, I think few minutes then I will upload clean database again and it will take me few minutes also, then you will hack the site again and then, imagine I will upload clean database again, then you will hack it again, and then I will build automatic system to upload clean database every hour, then you will sit those few minutes in front of your computer to hack it again and my system will repair it automatically, I will not do anything. Then you will build automatic system to destroy my site every minute, then our systems will play together and imagine site will work anyway. And then you will find out that you should do something smarter than to waste time here reading this anyway and that I should do something smarter instead writing this stupid text. And so on and so on...

Posted by majsta on Tuesday, April 22 2014 @ 07:27:39 CEST (1962 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Score: 5)

About me: Where am I?
About me

Unfortunately due to damn Bitcoin fever I was literally forced by my friends to join and eventually build new hardware for it. For about half a year they are asking me to start so i didn't get any chance to get away. For now, I will stop my Amiga development and I hope I will get back to it soon enough. For now everything going as planned, production is going nice and waiting list is still long. Development of new core is put on hold for now but it is about 70% done and Apollo crew will start working on it in short period of time. Back to Bitcoin. Lot of time I was thinking about creating coin build for Amiga. Coin that we could only dig with Amiga machines, maybe something like that could bring life into old computers.

Posted by majsta on Monday, January 06 2014 @ 07:10:17 CET (2164 reads)
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About me: System standby
About me

I need to take few days to clear my mind and to have strength to continue. This is third time since project is started that I ended so tired and devastated again without any strength to continue. Those days I went to see a doctor and he told me that I need to slow down with my work or I will end up in hospital. So it is time to clear my mind for few days because even in sleep so much codes are in my dreams that I just can't rest properly. Also every day I have so strong headaches after working on this project that I just can't take it anymore. It seems that i have migraine. Five or six hours of pain every day so strong that you can't talk or look at the light. Why? This design is now at the stage where my little and undeveloped brain just can't keep up. Solution: Rest for few days and hang with girls!!! They have cure for everything :)
UPDATE: June 25, 2013
I m back, but for now I will not work on the project more than one hour per day.

Posted by majsta on Thursday, June 20 2013 @ 12:44:01 CEST (2263 reads)
(Read More, Pictures, Files... | Score: 2.42)

Are you interested in new production run of Vampire 1200 V2?

Yes, I would like to have one.
No, because I can't afford it now.
No, I am more interested in other accelerators.
Maybe but only if price/support is better.


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