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Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 1200 V2
· About
· Core updates
tree-L2.gif Peripherals
tree-T.gif Trapdoor
tree-T.gif IDE
tree-T.gif F-Panel
tree-T.gif Ethernet
tree-T.gif Expansion
tree-T.gif JTAG
tree-T.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
· All News

Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 600 V2
· About
· Core updates
tree-L2.gif Peripherals
tree-T.gif PLCC-68 socket
tree-T.gif JTAG
tree-T.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
· All News

Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 500 V2
· About
· Core updates
tree-L2.gif Peripherals
bar.gif DIL-64 socket
bar.gif IDE
bar.gif Ethernet
bar.gif JTAG
bar.gif Video out
tree-L.gif MicroSD
· All News

Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 600 V1
tree-L2.gif About
tree-T.gif Schematics
tree-T.gif Core
tree-L.gif Soldering
· Terms of service
· Ordering
· Tecnical support
· Core upload
· Vampire 600 map
· All News

Amiga600_FPGA.gif Vampire 500 V1
· All News

Amiga600_FPGA.gif Amiga FPGA Accelerator
· Introduction
· Pictures
· Voltage Level Translation
· Sharing ideas
· Who helped?
· Contact info

Amiga_Ball.gif Amiga Talk Talk
· Amiga 1200 Coldfire
· Talk regarding A608
· Amiga PPC

icon_members.gif Amiga Repair
· Amiga 600 restoration
· Mouse repair
· Cold solder joint
· Amiga 600 repair
· Keyboard repair

favoritos.gif Amiga Tutorials
· Install WB from WinUAE
· Play HAM Video

som_themes.gif Amiga Testings
· Amiga 600 plays video
icon_community.gif Forum
nuke.gif Downloads
home.gif Web Hosting
som_downloads.gif Web links

Welcome to the TOP page for Amiga Vampire Accelerators!

20 most read stories

· 1: Keyboard repair - (64011 reads)
· 2: About - (55652 reads)
· 3: Core opensourced - (41453 reads)
· 4: HDMI test 1 - (38411 reads)
· 5: First Amiga600 FPGA Accelerator project - (35308 reads)
· 6: Pre-Order - (33824 reads)
· 7: Play HAM video on Amiga - (33609 reads)
· 8: Amiga 1200 Coldfire accelerator - (29915 reads)
· 9: Pictures - (21676 reads)
· 10: Core upload - (20813 reads)
· 11: Voltage Level Translation - (19727 reads)
· 12: Where are the boards - (19229 reads)
· 13: Sharing ideas & solutions - (19117 reads)
· 14: Install Amiga Workbench on real Amiga using WinUAE - (18062 reads)
· 15: Amiga PPC - (17765 reads)
· 16: Who helped ? - (16001 reads)
· 17: Schematics - (14618 reads)
· 18: Amiga 600 restoration - (14546 reads)
· 19: Vampire 600 1.3 - (14516 reads)
· 20: Talk regarding A608 memory upgrade - (12858 reads)

20 most voted stories

· 1: Pre-Order - (637 votes)
· 2: Emulated 68EC020 in action - (348 votes)
· 3: Sharing ideas & solutions - (335 votes)
· 4: Power of Vampire - game testings ADoom - (230 votes)
· 5: Can I have one? 2nd batch - done - (217 votes)
· 6: Install Amiga Workbench on real Amiga using WinUAE - (88 votes)
· 7: PSST! - (72 votes)
· 8: Last batch from me - (60 votes)
· 9: First batch done! - (54 votes)
· 10: E-bay story - (52 votes)
· 11: AmigaKit story - (45 votes)
· 12: Final design - Done - (43 votes)
· 13: About recent events - (39 votes)
· 14: AIBB tests - (37 votes)
· 15: 3rd batch sent - (34 votes)
· 16: First Amiga600 FPGA Accelerator project - (33 votes)
· 17: LitePlacer - Ultimate tool - (33 votes)
· 18: Phoenix core ported to Vampire 600 V2 - (32 votes)
· 19: Browsing Web - (32 votes)
· 20: Laboratory testings - (29 votes)

20 best rated stories (based on 5 maximun points)

· 1: Pre-Order - (2.53 points)
· 2: Emulated 68EC020 in action - (5 points)
· 3: Sharing ideas & solutions - (2.52 points)
· 4: Power of Vampire - game testings ADoom - (1.66 points)
· 5: Can I have one? 2nd batch - done - (1.02 points)
· 6: Install Amiga Workbench on real Amiga using WinUAE - (2.93 points)
· 7: Last batch from me - (2.4 points)
· 8: PSST! - (1.65 points)
· 9: First Amiga600 FPGA Accelerator project - (4.78 points)
· 10: E-bay story - (1.76 points)
· 11: First batch done! - (1.29 points)
· 12: Final design - Done - (1.55 points)
· 13: AmigaKit story - (1.26 points)
· 14: About recent events - (1.61 points)
· 15: AIBB tests - (1.64 points)
· 16: LitePlacer - Ultimate tool - (1.48 points)
· 17: Phoenix core ported to Vampire 600 V2 - (1.5 points)
· 18: Browsing Web - (1.5 points)
· 19: 3rd batch sent - (1.23 points)
· 20: Who helped ? - (4.28 points)

20 most commented stories

· 1: Maybe CLK problems ??? - (11 comments)
· 2: Where is the problem ? - (5 comments)
· 3: Cache problems ??? - (4 comments)
· 4: Last batch from me - (3 comments)
· 5: Smell the rubber - (3 comments)
· 6: Pre-Order - (3 comments)
· 7: Agony continues... - (2 comments)
· 8: System standby - (2 comments)
· 9: About recent events - (2 comments)
· 10: Power of Vampire - game testings ADoom - (2 comments)
· 11: Starting VAMPIRE 500 project - (2 comments)
· 12: Vampire 600 PCB redesign - (2 comments)
· 13: Sharing ideas & solutions - (1 comments)
· 14: AIBB tests - (1 comments)
· 15: Amiga 600 plays video - (1 comments)

20 most active categories

· 1: Vampire 500 V2 - (53238 Hits)
· 2: Vampire 600 V1 - (47500 Hits)
· 3: Vampire 1200 V2 - (38609 Hits)
· 4: Info - (15050 Hits)
· 5: Vampire 600 V1 - OS - (11375 Hits)
· 6: Amiga R&R - (11222 Hits)
· 7: Amiga Talk Talk - (7043 Hits)
· 8: Vampire 600 V2 - (7029 Hits)
· 9: Amiga Tutorials - (6701 Hits)
· 10: About me - (4897 Hits)
· 11: Amiga Testings - (1795 Hits)
· 12: Vampire 500 V1 - (1239 Hits)
· 13: Vampire V2 MENU - (873 Hits)

20 most read articles in special sections

· 1: - (1201 reads)
· 2: - (895 reads)
· 3: - (62 reads)
· 4: K3RAMA7 - (3 reads)

20 most voted polls

· 1: At what price you could afford Vampire 500 V2+ ? - (1982 votes)
· 2: Are you interested in Vampire 500 project - (419 votes)
· 3: Is there any chance to we ever see A600 FPGA accelerator - (188 votes)
· 4: Does this website needs to be redesigned? - (213 votes)
· 5: Are you interested in new production run of Vampire 1200 V2? - (125 votes)
· 6: What do you think about this site? - (23 votes)

20 most active authors

· 1: majsta - (177 news published)

20 most downloaded files

· 1: Low Voltage Logic Interfacing (Category: Manuals) - (2845 downloads)
· 2: Voltage Translation (Category: Manuals) - (2475 downloads)
· 3: QuickSwitch basics (Category: Manuals) - (2166 downloads)
· 4: AVI4HV (Category: Amiga) - (2109 downloads)
· 5: VirtualDub (Category: Audio&Video) - (2054 downloads)
· 6: Level Shifters - Why we can't shift away (Category: Manuals) - (2031 downloads)
· 7: Voltage Translation using PI5Cxx Switches (Category: Manuals) - (1993 downloads)
· 8: WinUAE (Category: Amiga) - (1980 downloads)
· 9: Voltage Translators/Level Shifters (Category: Manuals) - (1967 downloads)
· 10: Benefits and Issues on Logic Migration (Category: Manuals) - (1950 downloads)
· 11: Altera DE2 Schematics (Category: Schematics) - (1948 downloads)
· 12: Translation Guide (Category: Manuals) - (1923 downloads)
· 13: Digital Logic - Pocket Data Book (Category: Manuals) - (1913 downloads)
· 14: TXB0108 Datasheet (Category: Datasheets) - (1913 downloads)
· 15: Cool Edit Pro (Category: Audio&Video) - (1814 downloads)
· 16: QS3384 Datasheet (Category: Datasheets) - (1803 downloads)
· 17: PI5C3384 Datasheet (Category: Datasheets) - (1790 downloads)
· 18: Total Video Converter (Category: Audio&Video) - (1776 downloads)
· 19: QS32X245 Datasheet (Category: Datasheets) - (1763 downloads)
· 20: Bus Switches (Category: Manuals) - (1758 downloads)
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